Doggy Palace Sprl - Luxembourg

1 Review
Company name
Doggy Palace Sprl
400 Route de Luxembourg, B-6700 Arlon, Belgique
Contact number
49 60 56
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Company description
Doggy Palace est un hôtel à Arlon en Province du Luxembourg conçu pour accueillir votre animal de compagnie pendant votre absence. Chambres tout confort, repas à la carte, toilettage, promenade, piscine, découvrez les services de Doggy Palace, Arlon
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Province luxembourg


1 Review
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Appalling and very stressful experience.
My dog's leg got infected on 3 separate occasions while staying at Doggy Palace Arlon, last time August 2017. The first 2 times we thought "ok it happens". But when "it happens" for the third time and the kennel refuses any responsibility for what happened, no compassion whatsoever - then it is time to say goodbye forever to Doggy Palace. And to share our experience with other pet parents. Also - when he got stitches for the 4 cm wound on the back of his right hind leg allegedly caused by a tick bite in April 2014 - it looked very much like a bite from another dog to us.
An important information - it is the most expensive kennel in the whole region but the customer service is worse than bad, it is non existent. For the last stay we have agreed the Confort (strange spelling) Room with 1 additional walk and the kennel insisted on charging the much higher Apartment price.
In conclusion, our dog is not going back to Doggy Palace Arlon.

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